Human Herpesvirus 2 (HSV-2)
Gene Image Map

 Human Herpesvirus 2 (common name: HSV-2) database overview  
Strain HG52 of Human Herpesvirus 2, commonly called herpes simplex virus 2, was sequenced by the McGeoch laboratory and published in 1998. The key publication describing this 155 kbp circular genome is "The Genome Sequence of Herpes Simplex Virus type 2" by Dolan, Jamieson, Cunningham, Barnett, and McGeoch, J Virol, March 1998, p. 2010-2021, Vol. 72, No. 3 and is included in a comprehensive set of HSV-2 References from Medline (1980-7/2001). Human Herpesvirus 2 is a member of the Herpesviridae family. General Herpesviridae properties are available (Herpesviridae Properties), as well as genome and proteome information specific to HSV-2 (HSV-2 Properties).

An overview map of the genome and information summary is available through the Gene Image Map. The newest version of this map clearly depicts coterminal and overlapping genes, genes coding on opposite strands and repeats, all of which are common in the tightly packed genomes of herpesviruses.

The core information in this database is the table of annotated records, one for each of 83 genes. Each gene record is identified by a gene id, HHVTW001-HHVTW077 (some with extensions to total 83). Seventy-five of the genes are unique and four (gamma34.5, Orf-P, alpha0 and alpha4) appear twice in the genome, once in each copy of the inverted repeats. Three of the genes (gamma 34.5, alpha0 and UL15) have one or two introns. Simple summaries of specific information are available below in the Predefined Database Searches and contain links to the complete gene record.

The power of a relational database is demonstrated in the ability to search its information. We provide five search tools, each with different characteristics. The Basic Search allows a simple query of many fields for a text term. The Intermediate Search allows the user to search specific tables, to search a range of molecular weights or isoelectric points and to search the protein or nucleotide sequences for simple patterns. The Advanced SQL Search allows those who understand Structured Query Language to construct cross table and more specific queries and the Protein Motif Search allows searching protein sequences for sophisticated amino acid patterns. Repeat Search queries the repeat table for previously located nucleotide repeats.

User Defined Database Searches
Basic Search
Intermediate Search
Advanced SQL Search
Sequence Search
Protein Motif Search
Repeat Search

Predefined Database Searches
Definition Table
Functional Classes Table
EC Table
PDB Table
Repeat Tables
Cellular Homolog Table
Gene Image Map

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