Treponema pallidum References

AUTHORS  Breguet G; Ney R; Gerber H; Garner MF 
TITLE    Treponemal serology and blood groups 
         on Bali island, Indonesia. 
JOURNAL  Genitourin Med 62: 298-301 (1986)

AUTHORS  Coates SR; Sheridan PJ; Hansen DS; 
         Laird WJ; Erlich HA 
TITLE    Serospecificity of a cloned 
         protease-resistant Treponema 
         pallidum--specific antigen expressed 
         in Escherichia coli. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 23: 460-4 (1986)

AUTHORS  Fehniger TE; Radolf JD; Lovett MA 
TITLE    Properties of an ordered ring 
         structure formed by recombinant 
         Treponema pallidum surface antigen 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 165: 732-9 (1986)

AUTHORS  Fehniger TE; Radolf JD; Walfield AM; 
         Cunningham TM; Miller JN; Lovett MA 
TITLE    Native surface association of a 
         recombinant 38-kilodalton Treponema 
         pallidum antigen isolated from the 
         Escherichia coli outer membrane. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 52: 586-93 (1986)

AUTHORS  Krasnopol'skii IuM; Gol'bets II; 
         Orlova GL; Sennikov GA; Shvets VI 
TITLE    [Effect of the fatty acid composition 
         and the degree of lipid oxidation on 
         the immunochemical activity of 
         cardiolipin antigens] 
JOURNAL  Vestn Dermatol Venerol 48: 51-6 

AUTHORS  Limberger RJ; Charon NW 
TITLE    Treponema phagedenis has at least two 
         proteins residing together on its 
         periplasmic flagella. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 166: 105-12 (1986)

AUTHORS  Norgard MV; Chamberlain NR; Swancutt 
         MA; Goldberg MS 
TITLE    Cloning and expression of the major 
         47-kilodalton surface immunogen of 
         Treponema pallidum in Escherichia 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 54: 500-6 (1986)

AUTHORS  Norgard MV; Marchitto KS; Cox DL 
TITLE    Phenotypic expression of the major 47 
         kDa surface immunogen of Treponema 
         pallidum in virulent, tissue-cultured 
JOURNAL  J Gen Microbiol 132 ( Pt 6): 1775-8 

AUTHORS  Peterson KM; Baseman JB; Alderete JF 
TITLE    Isolation of a Treponema pallidum 
         gene encoding immunodominant outer 
         envelope protein P6, which reacts 
         with sera from patients at different 
         stages of syphilis. 
JOURNAL  J Exp Med 164: 1160-70 (1986)

AUTHORS  Rodgers GC; Laird WJ; Coates SR; Mack 
         DH; Huston M; Sninsky JJ 
TITLE    Serological characterization and gene 
         localization of an Escherichia 
         coli-expressed 37-kilodalton 
         Treponema pallidum antigen. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 53: 16-25 (1986)

AUTHORS  Swancutt MA; Twehous DA; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Monoclonal antibody selection and 
         analysis of a recombinant DNA-derived 
         surface immunogen of Treponema 
         pallidum expressed in Escherichia 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 52: 110-9 (1986)

AUTHORS  Dallas WS; Ray PH; Leong J; Benedict 
         CD; Stamm LV; Bassford PJ Jr 
TITLE    Identification and purification of a 
         recombinant Treponema pallidum basic 
         membrane protein antigen expressed in 
         Escherichia coli. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 55: 1106-15 (1987)

AUTHORS  Fitzgerald TJ; Repesh LA 
TITLE    The hyaluronidase associated with 
         Treponema pallidum facilitates 
         treponemal dissemination. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 55: 1023-8 (1987)

AUTHORS  Hindersson P; Knudsen JD; Axelsen NH 
TITLE    Cloning and expression of treponema 
         pallidum common antigen (Tp-4) in 
         Escherichia coli K12. 
JOURNAL  J Gen Microbiol 133 ( Pt 3): 587-96 

AUTHORS  Milich MV; Skripkin IuK; Bednova VN; 
         Piruzian AL; Federova DL 
TITLE    [Results of molecular genetic studies 
         of cultured and pathogenic strains of 
         Treponema pallidum] 
JOURNAL  Vestn Dermatol Venerol 37: 19-23 

AUTHORS  Milich MV; Skripkin IuK; Fedorova DL; 
         Topchiev DA; Milonova TA 
TITLE    [New data on the effect of chemical 
         and biological agents on Treponema 
         pallidum in vitro] 
JOURNAL  Vestn Dermatol Venerol 49: 37-43 

AUTHORS  Molnar L; Magyar K 
TITLE    Studies on the efficacy of Getroxel 
         against Treponema hyodysenteriae and 
         its role in the control of swine 
JOURNAL  Acta Vet Hung 35: 405-13 (1987)

AUTHORS  Nagaraja TG; Taylor MB 
TITLE    Susceptibility and resistance of 
         ruminal bacteria to antimicrobial 
         feed additives. 
JOURNAL  Appl Environ Microbiol 53: 1620-5 

AUTHORS  Peterson K; Baseman JB; Alderete JF 
TITLE    Molecular cloning of Treponema 
         pallidum outer envelope fibronectin 
         binding proteins, P1 and P2. 
JOURNAL  Genitourin Med 63: 355-60 (1987)

AUTHORS  Peterson KM; Baseman JB; Alderete JF 
TITLE    Cloning structural genes for 
         Treponema pallidum immunogens and 
         characterisation of recombinant 
         treponemal surface protein, P2 (P2 
JOURNAL  Genitourin Med 63: 289-96 (1987)

AUTHORS  Poitevin M; Collart P; Bolgert M 
TITLE    Syphilis in 1986. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Neuro Ophthalmol 7: 11-9 

AUTHORS  Alderete JF; Peterson KM; Baseman JB 
TITLE    Affinities of Treponema pallidum for 
         human lactoferrin and transferrin. 
JOURNAL  Genitourin Med 64: 359-63 (1988)

AUTHORS  Blanco DR; Champion CI; Miller JN; 
         Lovett MA 
TITLE    Antigenic and structural 
         characterization of Treponema 
         pallidum (Nichols strain) 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 56: 168-75 (1988)

AUTHORS  Chamberlain NR; Radolf JD; Hsu PL; 
         Sell S; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Genetic and physicochemical 
         characterization of the recombinant 
         DNA-derived 47-kilodalton surface 
         immunogen of Treponema pallidum 
         subsp. pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 56: 71-8 (1988)

AUTHORS  Hsu PL; Qin M; Norris SJ; Sell S 
TITLE    Isolation and characterization of 
         recombinant Escherichia coli clones 
         secreting a 24-kilodalton antigen of 
         Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 56: 1135-43 (1988)

AUTHORS  Norris SJ; Charon NW; Cook RG; 
         Fuentes MD; Limberger RJ 
TITLE    Antigenic relatedness and N-terminal 
         sequence homology define two classes 
         of periplasmic flagellar proteins of 
         Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum 
         and Treponema phagedenis. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 170: 4072-82 (1988)

AUTHORS  Stamm LV; Dallas WS; Ray PH; Bassford 
         PJ Jr 
TITLE    Identification, cloning, and 
         purification of protein antigens of 
         Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Rev Infect Dis 10 Suppl 2: S403-7 

AUTHORS  Stamm LV; Stapleton JT; Bassford PJ 
TITLE    In vitro assay to demonstrate 
         high-level erythromycin resistance of 
         a clinical isolate of Treponema 
JOURNAL  Antimicrob Agents Chemother 32: 164-9 

AUTHORS  Alderete JF; Baseman JB 
TITLE    Serum lipoprotein binding by 
         Treponema pallidum: possible role for 
JOURNAL  Genitourin Med 65: 177-82 (1989)

AUTHORS  Bailey MJ; Thomas CM; Cockayne A; 
         Strugnell RA; Penn CW 
TITLE    Cloning and expression of Treponema 
         pallidum antigens in Escherichia 
JOURNAL  J Gen Microbiol 135 ( Pt 9): 2365-78 

AUTHORS  Baranton G 
TITLE    [Classification of spirochetes 
         infecting man] 
JOURNAL  Rev Prat 39: 1287-90 (1989)

AUTHORS  Boyden DA; Albert FG; Robinson CS 
TITLE    Cloning and characterization of 
         Treponema hyodysenteriae antigens and 
         protection in a CF-1 mouse model by 
         immunization with a cloned 
         endoflagellar antigen. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 3808-15 (1989)

AUTHORS  Brahamsha B; Greenberg EP 
TITLE    Cloning and sequence analysis of 
         flaA, a gene encoding a Spirochaeta 
         aurantia flagellar filament surface 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 171: 1692-7 (1989)

AUTHORS  Chamberlain NR; Brandt ME; Erwin AL; 
         Radolf JD; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Major integral membrane protein 
         immunogens of Treponema pallidum are 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 2872-7 (1989)

AUTHORS  Chamberlain NR; DeOgny L; Slaughter 
         C; Radolf JD; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Acylation of the 47-kilodalton major 
         membrane immunogen of Treponema 
         pallidum determines its 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 2878-85 (1989)

AUTHORS  Coene M; Agliano AM; Paques AT; 
         Cattani P; Dettori G; Sanna A; Cocito 
TITLE    Comparative analysis of the genomes 
         of intestinal spirochetes of human 
         and animal origin. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 138-45 (1989)

AUTHORS  Coleman JL; Benach JL 
TITLE    Identification and characterization 
         of an endoflagellar antigen of 
         Borrelia burgdorferi. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Invest 84: 322-30 (1989)

AUTHORS  Dirlam JP; Belton AM; Chang SP; 
         Cullen WP; Huang LH; Kojima Y; Maeda 
         H; Nishiyama S; Oscarson JR; 
         Sakakibara T; et al 
TITLE    CP-78,545, a new monocarboxylic acid 
         ionophore antibiotic related to 
         zincophorin and produced by a 
JOURNAL  J Antibiot (Tokyo) 42: 1213-20 (1989)

AUTHORS  Gassmann GS; Deutzmann R; Vogt A; 
         Gobel UB 
TITLE    N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 
         Borrelia burgdorferi flagellin. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 51: 101-5 (1989)

AUTHORS  Hejzlar M; Novotny F; Stastna L; 
         Dvorak M; Kittnar E; Sedmidubsky V 
TITLE    Roxithromycin--a new macrolide 
JOURNAL  J Hyg Epidemiol Microbiol Immunol 33: 
         487-93 (1989)

AUTHORS  Hsu PL; Chamberlain NR; Orth K; 
         Moomaw CR; Zhang LQ; Slaughter CA; 
         Radolf JD; Sell S; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Sequence analysis of the 
         47-kilodalton major integral membrane 
         immunogen of Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 196-203 (1989)

AUTHORS  Ionescu AD 
TITLE    [Pathogenicity determinants of 
         Treponema pallidum] 
JOURNAL  Rev Ig [Bacteriol] 34: 75-83 (1989)

AUTHORS  Isaacs RD; Hanke JH; Guzman-Verduzco 
         LM; Newport G; Agabian N; Norgard MV; 
         Lukehart SA; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Molecular cloning and DNA sequence 
         analysis of the 37-kilodalton 
         endoflagellar sheath protein gene of 
         Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 3403-11 (1989)

AUTHORS  Luft BJ; Jiang W; Munoz P; Dattwyler 
         RJ; Gorevic PD 
TITLE    Biochemical and immunological 
         characterization of the surface 
         proteins of Borrelia burgdorferi. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 3637-45 (1989)

AUTHORS  Milich MV; Piruzian AL 
TITLE    [Electron microscope study of the 
         plasmid DNA from various strains of 
         Treponema pallidum] 
JOURNAL  Mol Gen Mikrobiol Virusol 4: 28-31 

AUTHORS  Noordhoek GT; Hermans PW; Paul AN; 
         Schouls LM; van der Sluis JJ; van 
         Embden JD 
TITLE    Treponema pallidum subspecies 
         pallidum (Nichols) and Treponema 
         pallidum subspecies pertenue (CDC 
         2575) differ in at least one 
         nucleotide: comparison of two 
         homologous antigens. 
JOURNAL  Microb Pathog 6: 29-42 (1989)

AUTHORS  Pallesen L; Hindersson P 
TITLE    Cloning and sequencing of a Treponema 
         pallidum gene encoding a 
         31.3-kilodalton endoflagellar subunit 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 2166-72 (1989)

AUTHORS  Parsons LM; Shayegani M; Waring AL; 
         Bopp LH 
TITLE    DNA probes for the identification of 
         Haemophilus ducreyi. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 27: 1441-5 (1989)

AUTHORS  Piruzian AL 
TITLE    [Study of the plasmid composition of 
         various strains of Treponema 
JOURNAL  Mol Gen Mikrobiol Virusol 35: 37-42 

AUTHORS  Purcell BK; Chamberlain NR; Goldberg 
         MS; Andrews LP; Robinson EJ; Norgard 
         MV; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Molecular cloning and 
         characterization of the 15-kilodalton 
         major immunogen of Treponema 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 3708-14 (1989)

AUTHORS  Schouls LM; Ijsselmuiden OE; Weel J; 
         van Embden JD 
TITLE    Overproduction and purification of 
         Treponema pallidum 
         recombinant-DNA-derived proteins TmpA 
         and TmpB and their potential use in 
         serodiagnosis of syphilis. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 2612-23 (1989)

AUTHORS  Schouls LM; Mout R; Dekker J; van 
         Embden JD 
TITLE    Characterization of lipid-modified 
         immunogenic proteins of Treponema 
         pallidum expressed in Escherichia 
JOURNAL  Microb Pathog 7: 175-88 (1989)

AUTHORS  Swancutt MA; Riley BS; Radolf JD; 
         Norgard MV 
TITLE    Molecular characterization of the 
         pathogen-specific, 34-kilodalton 
         membrane immunogen of Treponema 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 3314-23 (1989)

AUTHORS  Walfield AM; Roche ES; Zounes MC; 
         Kirkpatrick H; Wild MA; Textor G; 
         Tsai PK; Richardson C 
TITLE    Primary structure of an oligomeric 
         antigen of Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 633-5 (1989)

AUTHORS  de Wergifosse P; Coene MM 
TITLE    Comparison of the genomes of 
         pathogenic treponemes of human and 
         animal origin. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 57: 1629-31 (1989)

AUTHORS  Champion CI; Miller JN; Lovett MA; 
         Blanco DR 
TITLE    Cloning, sequencing, and expression 
         of two class B endoflagellar genes of 
         Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum 
         encoding the 34.5- and 
         31.0-kilodalton proteins. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 58: 1697-704 (1990)

AUTHORS  Gherardini FC; Hobbs MM; Stamm LV; 
         Bassford PJ Jr 
TITLE    Complementation of an Escherichia 
         coli proC mutation by a gene cloned 
         from Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 172: 2996-3002 (1990)

AUTHORS  Hay PE; Clarke JR; Strugnell RA; 
         Taylor-Robinson D; Goldmeier D 
TITLE    Use of the polymerase chain reaction 
         to detect DNA sequences specific to 
         pathogenic treponemes in 
         cerebrospinal fluid. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 56: 233-8 (1990)

AUTHORS  Houston LS; Cook RG; Norris SJ 
TITLE    Isolation and characterization of a 
         Treponema pallidum major 
         60-kilodalton protein resembling the 
         groEL protein of Escherichia coli. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 172: 2862-70 (1990)

AUTHORS  Isaacs RD; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Expression in Escherichia coli of the 
         37-kilodalton endoflagellar sheath 
         protein of Treponema pallidum by use 
         of the polymerase chain reaction and 
         a T7 expression system. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 58: 2025-34 (1990)

AUTHORS  Jensen NS; Casey TA; Stanton TB 
TITLE    Detection and identification of 
         Treponema hyodysenteriae by using 
         oligodeoxynucleotide probes 
         complementary to 16S rRNA. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 28: 2717-21 (1990)

AUTHORS  Lymbery AJ; Hampson DJ; Hopkins RM; 
         Combs B; Mhoma JR 
TITLE    Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis for 
         identification and typing of 
         Treponema hyodysenteriae and related 
JOURNAL  Vet Microbiol 22: 89-99 (1990)

AUTHORS  Noordhoek GT; Cockayne A; Schouls LM; 
         Meloen RH; Stolz E; van Embden JD 
TITLE    A new attempt to distinguish 
         serologically the subspecies of 
         Treponema pallidum causing syphilis 
         and yaws. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 28: 1600-7 (1990)

AUTHORS  Noordhoek GT; Wieles B; van der Sluis 
         JJ; van Embden JD 
TITLE    Polymerase chain reaction and 
         synthetic DNA probes: a means of 
         distinguishing the causative agents 
         of syphilis and yaws? 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 58: 2011-3 (1990)

AUTHORS  Purcell BK; Swancutt MA; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Lipid modification of the 15 
         kiloDalton major membrane immunogen 
         of Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Mol Microbiol 4: 1371-9 (1990)

AUTHORS  Que XC; Kuramitsu HK 
TITLE    Isolation and characterization of the 
         Treponema denticola prtA gene coding 
         for chymotrypsinlike protease 
         activity and detection of a closely 
         linked gene encoding 
         PZ-PLGPA-hydrolyzing activity. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 58: 4099-105 (1990)

AUTHORS  Rasskazov NI; Chalov VV; Ermolin GA 
TITLE    [The protein-binding properties of 
JOURNAL  Vestn Dermatol Venerol 102: 25-9 

AUTHORS  Strugnell RA; Maskell D; Fairweather 
         N; Pickard D; Cockayne A; Penn C; 
         Dougan G 
TITLE    Stable expression of foreign antigens 
         from the chromosome of Salmonella 
         typhimurium vaccine strains. 
JOURNAL  Gene 88: 57-63 (1990)

AUTHORS  Sueyoshi M; Adachi Y 
TITLE    Diarrhea induced by Treponema 
         hyodysenteriae: a young chick cecal 
         model for swine dysentery. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 58: 3348-62 (1990)

AUTHORS  ter Steeg PF; van der Hoeven JS 
TITLE    Growth stimulation of Treponema 
         denticola by periodontal 
JOURNAL  Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 57: 63-70 

AUTHORS  Blanco DR; Giladi M; Champion CI; 
         Haake DA; Chikami GK; Miller JN; 
         Lovett MA 
TITLE    Identification of Treponema pallidum 
         subspecies pallidum genes encoding 
         signal peptides and membrane-spanning 
         sequences using a novel alkaline 
         phosphatase expression vector. 
JOURNAL  Mol Microbiol 5: 2405-15 (1991)

AUTHORS  Burstain JM; Grimprel E; Lukehart SA; 
         Norgard MV; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Sensitive detection of Treponema 
         pallidum by using the polymerase 
         chain reaction. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 29: 62-9 (1991)

AUTHORS  Charon NW; Goldstein SF; Curci K; 
         Limberger RJ 
TITLE    The bent-end morphology of Treponema 
         phagedenis is associated with short, 
         left-handed, periplasmic flagella. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 173: 4820-6 (1991)

AUTHORS  DiRienzo JM; Cornell S; Boehringer H 
TITLE    Use of randomly cloned DNA fragments 
         for the identification of oral 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 6: 88-96 

AUTHORS  Fitzgerald TJ 
TITLE    Syphilis vaccine: up-regulation of 
         immunogenicity by cyclophosphamide, 
         Ribi adjuvant, and indomethacin 
         confers significant protection 
         against challenge infection in 
JOURNAL  Vaccine 9: 266-72 (1991)

AUTHORS  Fitzgerald TJ; Tomai MA; Trachte GJ; 
         Rice T 
TITLE    Prostaglandins in experimental 
         syphilis: treponemes stimulate 
         adherent spleen cells to secrete 
         prostaglandin E2, and indomethacin 
         upregulates immune functions. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 59: 143-9 (1991)

AUTHORS  Grimprel E; Sanchez PJ; Wendel GD; 
         Burstain JM; McCracken GH Jr; Radolf 
         JD; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Use of polymerase chain reaction and 
         rabbit infectivity testing to detect 
         Treponema pallidum in amniotic fluid, 
         fetal and neonatal sera, and 
         cerebrospinal fluid. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 29: 1711-8 (1991)

AUTHORS  Haapasalo M; Singh U; McBride BC; 
         Uitto VJ 
TITLE    Sulfhydryl-dependent attachment of 
         Treponema denticola to laminin and 
         other proteins. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 59: 4230-7 (1991)

AUTHORS  Hubbard CL; Gherardini FC; Bassford 
         PJ Jr; Stamm LV 
TITLE    Molecular cloning and 
         characterization of a 35.5-kilodalton 
         lipoprotein of Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 59: 1521-8 (1991)

AUTHORS  Ivic A; MacDougall J; Russell RR; 
         Penn CW 
TITLE    Isolation and characterization of a 
         plasmid from Treponema denticola. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 62: 189-93 (1991)

AUTHORS  Krause A; Brade V; Schoerner C; 
         Solbach W; Kalden JR; Burmester GR 
TITLE    T cell proliferation induced by 
         Borrelia burgdorferi in patients with 
         Lyme borreliosis. Autologous serum 
         required for optimum stimulation. 
JOURNAL  Arthritis Rheum 34: 393-402 (1991)

AUTHORS  Lebech AM; Hindersson P; Vuust J; 
         Hansen K 
TITLE    Comparison of in vitro culture and 
         polymerase chain reaction for 
         detection of Borrelia burgdorferi in 
         tissue from experimentally infected 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 29: 731-7 (1991)

AUTHORS  Luft BJ; Gorevic PD; Jiang W; Munoz 
         P; Dattwyler RJ 
TITLE    Immunologic and structural 
         characterization of the dominant 66- 
         to 73-kDa antigens of Borrelia 
JOURNAL  J Immunol 146: 2776-82 (1991)

AUTHORS  MacDougall JH; Beighton D; Russell RR 
TITLE    Cloning and expression of protease 
         genes from Treponema denticola in 
         Escherichia coli. 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 6: 270-4 

TITLE    Comparison of peptidase, glycosidase 
         and esterase activities of oral and 
         non-oral Treponema species. 
JOURNAL  J Gen Microbiol 137 ( Pt 1): 63-8 

AUTHORS  Mitchison M; Rood JI; Faine S; Adler 
TITLE    Molecular analysis of a Leptospira 
         borgpetersenii gene encoding an 
         endoflagellar subunit protein. 
JOURNAL  J Gen Microbiol 137 ( Pt 7): 1529-36 

AUTHORS  Miyamoto M; Noji S; Kokeguchi S; Kato 
         K; Kurihara H; Murayama Y; Taniguchi 
TITLE    Molecular cloning and sequence 
         analysis of antigen gene tdpA of 
         Treponema denticola. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 59: 1941-7 (1991)

AUTHORS  Noordhoek GT; Wolters EC; de Jonge 
         ME; van Embden JD 
TITLE    Detection by polymerase chain 
         reaction of Treponema pallidum DNA in 
         cerebrospinal fluid from 
         neurosyphilis patients before and 
         after antibiotic treatment. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 29: 1976-84 (1991)

AUTHORS  Paradise LJ; Pruitt A; Burgess AW 
TITLE    Effect of 
         delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol on 
         mitogenic and antigenic stimulation 
         of lymphoid cells from inbred 
         hamsters infected with Treponema 
         pallidum subsp. pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Adv Exp Med Biol 288: 127-33 (1991)

AUTHORS  Paster BJ; Dewhirst FE; Weisburg WG; 
         Tordoff LA; Fraser GJ; Hespell RB; 
         Stanton TB; Zablen L; Mandelco L; 
         Woese CR 
TITLE    Phylogenetic analysis of the 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 173: 6101-9 (1991)

AUTHORS  Piekarowicz A; Yuan R; Stein DC 
TITLE    A new method for the rapid 
         identification of genes encoding 
         restriction and modification enzymes. 
JOURNAL  Nucleic Acids Res 19: 1831-5 (1991)

AUTHORS  Radolf JD; Norgard MV; Brandt ME; 
         Isaacs RD; Thompson PA; Beutler B 
TITLE    Lipoproteins of Borrelia burgdorferi 
         and Treponema pallidum activate 
         cachectin/tumor necrosis factor 
         synthesis. Analysis using a CAT 
         reporter construct. 
JOURNAL  J Immunol 147: 1968-74 (1991)

AUTHORS  Schouls LM; van der Heide HG; van 
         Embden JD 
TITLE    Characterization of the 35-kilodalton 
         Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum 
         recombinant lipoprotein TmpC and 
         antibody response to lipidated and 
         nonlipidated T. pallidum antigens. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 59: 3536-46 (1991)

AUTHORS  Stamm LV; Parrish EA; Gherardini FC 
TITLE    Cloning of the recA gene from a 
         free-living leptospire and 
         distribution of RecA-like protein 
         among spirochetes. 
JOURNAL  Appl Environ Microbiol 57: 183-9 

AUTHORS  Stanton TB; Jensen NS; Casey TA; 
         Tordoff LA; Dewhirst FE; Paster BJ 
TITLE    Reclassification of Treponema 
         hyodysenteriae and Treponema innocens 
         in a new genus, Serpula gen. nov., as 
         Serpula hyodysenteriae comb. nov. and 
         Serpula innocens comb. nov. 
JOURNAL  Int J Syst Bacteriol 41: 50-8 (1991)

AUTHORS  Tseng CK; Hughes MA; Hsu PL; Mahoney 
         S; Duvic M; Sell S 
TITLE    Syphilis superinfection activates 
         expression of human immunodeficiency 
         virus I in latently infected rabbits. 
JOURNAL  Am J Pathol 138: 1149-64 (1991)

AUTHORS  Weinberg A; Holt SC 
TITLE    Chemical and biological activities of 
         a 64-kilodalton outer sheath protein 
         from Treponema denticola strains. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 173: 6935-47 (1991)

AUTHORS  Yelton DB; Limberger RJ; Curci K; 
         Malinosky-Rummell F; Slivienski L; 
         Schouls LM; van Embden JD; Charon NW 
TITLE    Treponema phagedenis encodes and 
         expresses homologs of the Treponema 
         pallidum TmpA and TmpB proteins. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 59: 3685-93 (1991)

AUTHORS  Baughn RE; Musher DM 
TITLE    Evidence that autologous idiotypic 
         regulation of 
         anti-arginine-glycine-aspartic acid 
         autoantibodies may influence 
         development and progression of 
         syphilitic lesions in infected 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 60: 3861-71 (1992)

AUTHORS  Bergstrom S; Garon CF; Barbour AG; 
         MacDougall J 
TITLE    Extrachromosomal elements of 
JOURNAL  Res Microbiol 143: 623-8 (1992)

AUTHORS  Coleman JL; Benach JL 
TITLE    Characterization of antigenic 
         determinants of Borrelia burgdorferi 
         shared by other bacteria. 
JOURNAL  J Infect Dis 165: 658-66 (1992)

AUTHORS  Combs BG; Hampson DJ; Harders SJ 
TITLE    Typing of Australian isolates of 
         Treponema hyodysenteriae by serology 
         and by DNA restriction endonuclease 
JOURNAL  Vet Microbiol 31: 273-85 (1992)

AUTHORS  Dettori G; Burioni R; Grillo R; 
         Cattani P 
TITLE    Molecular cloning and 
         characterization of DNA from human 
         intestinal spirochetes. 
JOURNAL  Eur J Epidemiol 8: 198-205 (1992)

AUTHORS  Dirlam JP; Belton AM; Bordner J; 
         Cullen WP; Huang LH; Kojima Y; Maeda 
         H; Nishiyama S; Oscarson JR; Ricketts 
         AP; et al 
TITLE    CP-82,009, a potent polyether 
         anticoccidial related to septamycin 
         and produced by Actinomadura sp. 
JOURNAL  J Antibiot (Tokyo) 45: 331-40 (1992)

AUTHORS  Fukunaga M; Okuzako N; Mifuchi I; 
         Arimitsu Y; Seki M 
TITLE    Organization of the ribosomal RNA 
         genes in Treponema phagedenis and 
         Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Microbiol Immunol 36: 161-7 (1992)

AUTHORS  Haapasalo M; Muller KH; Uitto VJ; 
         Leung WK; McBride BC 
TITLE    Characterization, cloning, and 
         binding properties of the major 
         53-kilodalton Treponema denticola 
         surface antigen. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 60: 2058-65 (1992)

AUTHORS  Ishihara K; Ishihara M; Takazoe I; 
         Okuda K 
TITLE    Cloning and expression of the 
         aspartate carbamoyltransferase gene 
         from Treponema denticola. 
JOURNAL  Appl Environ Microbiol 58: 3399-403 

AUTHORS  Jensen NS; Casey TA; Stanton TB 
TITLE    Characterization of Serpulina 
         (Treponema) hyodysenteriae and 
         related intestinal spirochetes by 
         ribosomal RNA gene restriction 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 72: 235-41 (1992)

AUTHORS  Koopman MB; Baats E; van Vorstenbosch 
         CJ; van der Zeijst BA; Kusters JG 
TITLE    The periplasmic flagella of Serpulina 
         (Treponema) hyodysenteriae are 
         composed of two sheath proteins and 
         three core proteins. 
JOURNAL  J Gen Microbiol 138 ( Pt 12): 
         2697-706 (1992)

AUTHORS  Koopman MB; de Leeuw OS; van der 
         Zeijst BM; Kusters JG 
TITLE    Cloning and DNA sequence analysis of 
         a Serpulina (Treponema) 
         hyodysenteriae gene encoding a 
         periplasmic flagellar sheath protein. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 60: 2920-5 (1992)

AUTHORS  Lebech AM; Hansen K 
TITLE    Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi DNA 
         in urine samples and cerebrospinal 
         fluid samples from patients with 
         early and late Lyme neuroborreliosis 
         by polymerase chain reaction. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 30: 1646-53 (1992)

AUTHORS  Li Z; Jensen NS; Belanger M; 
         L'Esperance MC; Jacques M 
TITLE    Molecular characterization of 
         Serpulina (Treponema) hyodysenteriae 
         isolates representing serotypes 8 and 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 30: 2941-7 (1992)

AUTHORS  Limberger RJ; Slivienski LL; Yelton 
         DB; Charon NW 
TITLE    Molecular genetic analysis of a class 
         B periplasmic-flagellum gene of 
         Treponema phagedenis. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 174: 6404-10 (1992)

AUTHORS  MacDougall J; Margarita D; Saint 
         Girons I 
TITLE    Homology of a plasmid from the 
         spirochete Treponema denticola with 
         the single-stranded DNA plasmids. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 174: 2724-8 (1992)

AUTHORS  Makinen KK; Makinen PL; Syed SA 
TITLE    Purification and substrate 
         specificity of an endopeptidase from 
         the human oral spirochete Treponema 
         denticola ATCC 35405, active on 
         furylacryloyl-Leu-Gly-Pro-Ala and 
JOURNAL  J Biol Chem 267: 14285-93 (1992)

AUTHORS  Merien F; Amouriaux P; Perolat P; 
         Baranton G; Saint Girons I 
TITLE    Polymerase chain reaction for 
         detection of Leptospira spp. in 
         clinical samples. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 30: 2219-24 (1992)

AUTHORS  Muir S; Koopman MB; Libby SJ; Joens 
         LA; Heffron F; Kusters JG 
TITLE    Cloning and expression of a Serpula 
         (Treponema) hyodysenteriae hemolysin 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 60: 529-35 (1992)

TITLE    Polymerase chain reaction primers and 
         probes derived from flagellin gene 
         sequences for specific detection of 
         the agents of Lyme disease and North 
         American relapsing fever. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 30: 99-114 (1992)

AUTHORS  Riley BS; Oppenheimer-Marks N; Hansen 
         EJ; Radolf JD; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Virulent Treponema pallidum activates 
         human vascular endothelial cells. 
JOURNAL  J Infect Dis 165: 484-93 (1992)

AUTHORS  Saint Girons I; Norris SJ; Gobel U; 
         Meyer J; Walker EM; Zuerner R 
TITLE    Genome structure of spirochetes. 
JOURNAL  Res Microbiol 143: 615-21 (1992)

AUTHORS  Schneider T; Lange R; Ronspeck W; 
         Weigelt W; Kolmel HW 
TITLE    Prognostic B-cell epitopes on the 
         flagellar protein of Borrelia 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 60: 316-9 (1992)

AUTHORS  Schouls LM 
TITLE    Molecular biology of Treponema 
JOURNAL  Mol Cell Biol Hum Dis Ser 1: 85-129 

AUTHORS  Stockli HR 
TITLE    [Current aspects of neurosyphilis: 
         therapy-resistant cases with 
         high-dosage penicillin?] 
JOURNAL  Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax 81: 1473-80 

AUTHORS  Sugase M 
TITLE    [Uterine cervical carcinoma and human 
JOURNAL  Hum Cell 5: 143-9 (1992)

AUTHORS  Weigel LM; Brandt ME; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Analysis of the N-terminal region of 
         the 47-kilodalton integral membrane 
         lipoprotein of Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 60: 1568-76 (1992)

AUTHORS  Wicher K; Noordhoek GT; Abbruscato F; 
         Wicher V 
TITLE    Detection of Treponema pallidum in 
         early syphilis by DNA amplification. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 30: 497-500 (1992)

AUTHORS  ter Huurne AA; van Houten M; Muir S; 
         Kusters JG; van der Zeijst BA; 
         Gaastra W 
TITLE    Inactivation of a Serpula (Treponema) 
         hyodysenteriae hemolysin gene by 
         homologous recombination: importance 
         of this hemolysin in pathogenesis in 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 71: 109-13 (1992)

AUTHORS  Akins DR; Purcell BK; Mitra MM; 
         Norgard MV; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Lipid modification of the 
         17-kilodalton membrane immunogen of 
         Treponema pallidum determines 
         macrophage activation as well as 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 61: 1202-10 (1993)

AUTHORS  Chan EC; Siboo R; Keng T; Psarra N; 
         Hurley R; Cheng SL; Iugovaz I 
TITLE    Treponema denticola (ex Brumpt 1925) 
         sp. nov., nom. rev., and 
         identification of new spirochete 
         isolates from periodontal pockets. 
JOURNAL  Int J Syst Bacteriol 43: 196-203 

AUTHORS  Cinco M; Perticarari S; Presani G; 
         Dobrina A; Liut F 
TITLE    Biological activity of a 
         peptidoglycan extracted from 
         Leptospira interrogans: in vitro 
JOURNAL  J Gen Microbiol 139 ( Pt 12): 2959-64 

AUTHORS  Clark DT; Gazi MI; Cox SW; Eley BM; 
         Tinsley GF 
TITLE    The effects of Acacia arabica gum on 
         the in vitro growth and protease 
         activities of periodontopathic 
JOURNAL  J Clin Periodontol 20: 238-43 (1993)

AUTHORS  Diaz Sanchez M; Simon Vazquez M; 
         Honorato Perez J 
TITLE    [New medications: azithromycin] 
JOURNAL  Rev Med Univ Navarra 38: 50-63 (1993)

AUTHORS  Ferrer JF; Del Pino N; Esteban E; 
         Sherman MP; Dube S; Dube DK; 
         Basombrio MA; Pimentel E; Segovia A; 
         Quirulas S; et al 
TITLE    High rate of infection with the human 
         T-cell leukemia retrovirus type II in 
         four Indian populations of Argentina. 
JOURNAL  Virology 197: 576-84 (1993)

AUTHORS  Giladi M; Champion CI; Haake DA; 
         Blanco DR; Miller JF; Miller JN; 
         Lovett MA 
TITLE    Use of the "blue halo" assay in the 
         identification of genes encoding 
         exported proteins with cleavable 
         signal peptides: cloning of a 
         Borrelia burgdorferi plasmid gene 
         with a signal peptide. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 175: 4129-36 (1993)

AUTHORS  Koopman MB; Baats E; de Leeuw OS; van 
         der Zeijst BA; Kusters JG 
TITLE    Molecular analysis of a flagellar 
         core protein gene of Serpulina 
         (Treponema) hyodysenteriae. 
JOURNAL  J Gen Microbiol 139 ( Pt 8): 1701-6 

AUTHORS  Lee JI; Hampson DJ; Combs BG; Lymbery 
TITLE    Genetic relationships between 
         isolates of Serpulina (Treponema) 
         hyodysenteriae, and comparison of 
         methods for their subspecific 
JOURNAL  Vet Microbiol 34: 35-46 (1993)

AUTHORS  Li Z; Dumas F; Dubreuil D; Jacques M 
TITLE    A species-specific periplasmic 
         flagellar protein of Serpulina 
         (Treponema) hyodysenteriae. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 175: 8000-7 (1993)

AUTHORS  Luft BJ; Dunn JJ; Dattwyler RJ; 
         Gorgone G; Gorevic PD; Schubach WH 
TITLE    Cross-reactive antigenic domains of 
         the flagellin protein of Borrelia 
JOURNAL  Res Microbiol 144: 251-7 (1993)

AUTHORS  Munson D; Obar R; Tzertzinis G; 
         Margulis L 
TITLE    The 'tubulin-like' S1 protein of 
         Spirochaeta is a member of the hsp65 
         stress protein family. 
JOURNAL  Biosystems 31: 161-7 (1993)

TITLE    Polypeptides of Treponema pallidum: 
         progress toward understanding their 
         structural, functional, and 
         immunologic roles. Treponema Pallidum 
         Polypeptide Research Group. 
JOURNAL  Microbiol Rev 57: 750-79 (1993)

AUTHORS  Parales J Jr; Greenberg EP 
TITLE    Analysis of the Spirochaeta aurantia 
         flaA gene and transcript. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 106: 245-51 

AUTHORS  Robinson JM; Pilot-Matias TJ; Pratt 
         SD; Patel CB; Bevirt TS; Hunt JC 
TITLE    Analysis of the humoral response to 
         the flagellin protein of Borrelia 
         burgdorferi: cloning of regions 
         capable of differentiating Lyme 
         disease from syphilis. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 31: 629-35 (1993)

AUTHORS  Sell S; Hsu PL 
TITLE    Delayed hypersensitivity, immune 
         deviation, antigen processing and 
         T-cell subset selection in syphilis 
         pathogenesis and vaccine design. 
JOURNAL  Immunol Today 14: 576-82 (1993)

AUTHORS  Stanton TB; Jensen NS 
TITLE    Purification and characterization of 
         NADH oxidase from Serpulina 
         (Treponema) hyodysenteriae. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 175: 2980-7 (1993)

AUTHORS  Umemoto T; Nakatani Y; Nakamura Y; 
         Namikawa I 
TITLE    Fibronectin-binding proteins of a 
         human oral spirochete Treponema 
JOURNAL  Microbiol Immunol 37: 75-8 (1993)

AUTHORS  ter Huurne AA; Muir S; van Houten M; 
         Koopman MB; Kusters JG; van der 
         Zeijst BA; Gaastra W 
TITLE    The role of hemolysin(s) in the 
         pathogenesis of Serpulina 
JOURNAL  Int J Med Microbiol Virol Parasitol 
         Infect Dis 278: 316-25 (1993)

AUTHORS  Alderete JF; Arroyo R; Lehker MW 
TITLE    Identification of fibronectin as a 
         receptor for bacterial cytoadherence. 
JOURNAL  Methods Enzymol 236: 318-33 (1994)

AUTHORS  Arakawa S; Kuramitsu HK 
TITLE    Cloning and sequence analysis of a 
         chymotrypsinlike protease from 
         Treponema denticola. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 62: 3424-33 (1994)

AUTHORS  Aron L; Alekshun M; Perlee L; 
         Schwartz I; Godfrey HP; Cabello FC 
TITLE    Cloning and DNA sequence analysis of 
         bmpC, a gene encoding a potential 
         membrane lipoprotein of Borrelia 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 123: 75-82 (1994)

AUTHORS  Becker PS; Akins DR; Radolf JD; 
         Norgard MV 
TITLE    Similarity between the 38-kilodalton 
         lipoprotein of Treponema pallidum and 
         the glucose/galactose-binding (MglB) 
         protein of Escherichia coli. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 62: 1381-91 (1994)

AUTHORS  Berchtold M; Ludwig W; Konig H 
TITLE    16S rDNA sequence and phylogenetic 
         position of an uncultivated 
         spirochete from the hindgut of the 
         termite Mastotermes darwiniensis 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 123: 269-73 

AUTHORS  Choi BK; Paster BJ; Dewhirst FE; 
         Gobel UB 
TITLE    Diversity of cultivable and 
         uncultivable oral spirochetes from a 
         patient with severe destructive 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 62: 1889-95 (1994)

AUTHORS  Chu L; Song M; Holt SC 
TITLE    Effect of iron regulation on 
         expression and hemin-binding function 
         of outer-sheath proteins from 
         Treponema denticola. 
JOURNAL  Microb Pathog 16: 321-35 (1994)

AUTHORS  DeOgny L; Pramanik BC; Arndt LL; 
         Jones JD; Rush J; Slaughter CA; 
         Radolf JD; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Solid-phase synthesis of biologically 
         active lipopeptides as analogs for 
         spirochetal lipoproteins. 
JOURNAL  Pept Res 7: 91-7 (1994)

AUTHORS  Hardham JM; Stamm LV 
TITLE    Identification and characterization 
         of the Treponema pallidum tpn50 gene, 
         an ompA homolog. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 62: 1015-25 (1994)

AUTHORS  Harms G; Matull R; Randrianasolo D; 
         Andriamiadana J; Rasamindrakotroka A; 
         Kirsch T; Hof U; Rarivoharilala E; 
         Korte R 
TITLE    Pattern of sexually transmitted 
         diseases in a Malagasy population. 
JOURNAL  Sex Transm Dis 21: 315-20 (1994)

AUTHORS  Hudson BJ; van der Meijden WI; Lupiwa 
         T; Howard P; Tabua T; Tapsall JW; 
         Phillips EA; Lennox VA; Backhouse JL; 
         Pyakalyia T 
TITLE    A survey of sexually transmitted 
         diseases in five STD clinics in Papua 
         New Guinea. 
JOURNAL  P N G Med J 37: 152-60 (1994)

AUTHORS  Karunakaran T; Holt SC 
TITLE    Cloning and expression of hemolysin 
         genes from Treponema denticola 
         strains ATCC 35404 (TD-4) and human 
         clinical isolate GM-1 in Escherichia 
JOURNAL  Microb Pathog 16: 337-48 (1994)

AUTHORS  Limberger RJ; Slivienski LL; 
         Samsonoff WA 
TITLE    Genetic and biochemical analysis of 
         the flagellar hook of Treponema 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 176: 3631-7 (1994)

AUTHORS  Makinen PL; Makinen KK; Syed SA 
TITLE    An endo-acting proline-specific 
         oligopeptidase from Treponema 
         denticola ATCC 35405: evidence of 
         hydrolysis of human bioactive 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 62: 4938-47 (1994)

AUTHORS  Mushegian AR; Koonin EV 
TITLE    Unexpected sequence similarity 
         between nucleosidases and 
         phosphoribosyltransferases of 
         different specificity. 
JOURNAL  Protein Sci 3: 1081-8 (1994)

AUTHORS  O'Toole PW; Kostrzynska M; Trust TJ 
TITLE    Non-motile mutants of Helicobacter 
         pylori and Helicobacter mustelae 
         defective in flagellar hook 
JOURNAL  Mol Microbiol 14: 691-703 (1994)

AUTHORS  Radolf JD; Bourell KW; Akins DR; 
         Brusca JS; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Analysis of Borrelia burgdorferi 
         membrane architecture by 
         freeze-fracture electron microscopy. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 176: 21-31 (1994)

AUTHORS  Reedy E; Simonson L; Zablen L 
TITLE    Homology among Treponema denticola 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 9: 305-9 

AUTHORS  Simpson WJ; Cieplak W; Schrumpf ME; 
         Barbour AG; Schwan TG 
TITLE    Nucleotide sequence and analysis of 
         the gene in Borrelia burgdorferi 
         encoding the immunogenic P39 antigen. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 119: 381-7 (1994)

AUTHORS  Weigel LM; Radolf JD; Norgard MV 
TITLE    The 47-kDa major lipoprotein 
         immunogen of Treponema pallidum is a 
         penicillin-binding protein with 
         carboxypeptidase activity. 
JOURNAL  Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 91: 11611-5 

AUTHORS  Blanco DR; Champion CI; Exner MM; 
         Erdjument-Bromage H; Hancock RE; 
         Tempst P; Miller JN; Lovett MA 
TITLE    Porin activity and sequence analysis 
         of a 31-kilodalton Treponema pallidum 
         subsp. pallidum rare outer membrane 
         protein (Tromp1). 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 177: 3556-62 (1995)

AUTHORS  Caudry S; Klitorinos A; Gharbia SE; 
         Pssara N; Siboo R; Keng T; Chan EC 
TITLE    Distribution and characterization of 
         plasmids in oral anaerobic 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 10: 8-12 

AUTHORS  Chan EC; Qiu YS; Siboo R; Noble P 
TITLE    Evidence for two distinct locomotory 
         phenotypes of Treponema denticola 
         ATCC 35405. 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 10: 122-4 

AUTHORS  Cheetham BF; Katz ME 
TITLE    A role for bacteriophages in the 
         evolution and transfer of bacterial 
         virulence determinants. 
JOURNAL  Mol Microbiol 18: 201-8 (1995)

AUTHORS  Chu L; Burgum A; Kolodrubetz D; Holt 
TITLE    The 46-kilodalton-hemolysin gene from 
         Treponema denticola encodes a novel 
         hemolysin homologous to 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 63: 4448-55 (1995)

AUTHORS  Coe JE; Schell RF; Ross MJ 
TITLE    Immune response in the hamster: 
         definition of a novel IgG not 
         expressed in all hamster strains. 
JOURNAL  Immunology 86: 141-8 (1995)

AUTHORS  Cox DL; Akins DR; Porcella SF; 
         Norgard MV; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Treponema pallidum in gel 
         microdroplets: a novel strategy for 
         investigation of treponemal molecular 
JOURNAL  Mol Microbiol 15: 1151-64 (1995)

AUTHORS  Dahle UR; Olsen I; Tronstad L; 
         Caugant DA 
TITLE    Population genetic analysis of oral 
         treponemes by multilocus enzyme 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 10: 265-70 

AUTHORS  De Filippo AB; Ellen RP; McCulloch CA 
TITLE    Induction of cytoskeletal 
         rearrangements and loss of volume 
         regulation in epithelial cells by 
         Treponema denticola. 
JOURNAL  Arch Oral Biol 40: 199-207 (1995)

AUTHORS  Ding Y; Uitto VJ; Firth J; Salo T; 
         Haapasalo M; Konttinen YT; Sorsa T 
TITLE    Modulation of host matrix 
         metalloproteinases by bacterial 
         virulence factors relevant in human 
         periodontal diseases. 
JOURNAL  Oral Dis 1: 279-86 (1995)

AUTHORS  Evans DJ Jr; Evans DG; Lampert HC; 
         Nakano H 
TITLE    Identification of four new 
         prokaryotic bacterioferritins, from 
         Helicobacter pylori, Anabaena 
         variabilis, Bacillus subtilis and 
         Treponema pallidum, by analysis of 
         gene sequences. 
JOURNAL  Gene 153: 123-7 (1995)

AUTHORS  Gabe JD; Chang RJ; Slomiany R; 
         Andrews WH; McCaman MT 
TITLE    Isolation of extracytoplasmic 
         proteins from Serpulina 
         hyodysenteriae B204 and molecular 
         cloning of the flaB1 gene encoding a 
         38-kilodalton flagellar protein. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 63: 142-8 (1995)

AUTHORS  Hardham JM; Frye JG; Stamm LV 
TITLE    Identification and sequences of the 
         Treponema pallidum fliM', fliY, fliP, 
         fliQ, fliR and flhB' genes. 
JOURNAL  Gene 166: 57-64 (1995)

AUTHORS  Harel J; Forget C 
TITLE    DNA probe and polymerase chain 
         reaction procedure for the specific 
         detection of Serpulina 
JOURNAL  Mol Cell Probes 9: 111-9 (1995)

AUTHORS  Heinzerling HF; Penders JE; Burne RA 
TITLE    Identification of a fliG homologue in 
         Treponema denticola. 
JOURNAL  Gene 161: 69-73 (1995)

AUTHORS  Ishihara K; Kuramitsu HK 
TITLE    Cloning and expression of a neutral 
         phosphatase gene from Treponema 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 63: 1147-52 (1995)

AUTHORS  Jones JD; Bourell KW; Norgard MV; 
         Radolf JD 
TITLE    Membrane topology of Borrelia 
         burgdorferi and Treponema pallidum 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 63: 2424-34 (1995)

AUTHORS  Jwang B; Dewing P; Fikrig E; Flavell 
TITLE    The hook protein of Borrelia 
         burgdorferi, encoded by the flgE 
         gene, is serologically recognized in 
         Lyme disease. 
JOURNAL  Clin Diagn Lab Immunol 2: 609-15 

AUTHORS  MacDougall J; Saint Girons I 
TITLE    Physical map of the Treponema 
         denticola circular chromosome. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 177: 1805-11 (1995)

AUTHORS  Makinen KK; Makinen PL; Loesche WJ; 
         Syed SA 
TITLE    Purification and general properties 
         of an oligopeptidase from Treponema 
         denticola ATCC 35405--a human oral 
JOURNAL  Arch Biochem Biophys 316: 689-98 

AUTHORS  Makinen PL; Makinen KK; Syed SA 
TITLE    Role of the chymotrypsin-like 
         membrane-associated proteinase from 
         Treponema denticola ATCC 35405 in 
         inactivation of bioactive peptides. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 63: 3567-75 (1995)

AUTHORS  Norgard MV; Riley BS; Richardson JA; 
         Radolf JD 
TITLE    Dermal inflammation elicited by 
         synthetic analogs of Treponema 
         pallidum and Borrelia burgdorferi 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 63: 1507-15 (1995)

AUTHORS  Olsen I; Fiehn NE; Johnson JL 
TITLE    Identity of 1:2:1 and 2:4:2 
         subgingival spirochetes by DNA 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 10: 378-81 

AUTHORS  Park NY; Chung CY; McLaren AJ; Atyeo 
         RF; Hampson DJ 
TITLE    Polymerase chain reaction for 
         identification of human and porcine 
         spirochaetes recovered from cases of 
         intestinal spirochaetosis. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 125: 225-9 (1995)

AUTHORS  Parrish KD; Greenberg EP 
TITLE    A rapid method for extraction and 
         purification of DNA from dental 
JOURNAL  Appl Environ Microbiol 61: 4120-3 

AUTHORS  Radolf JD; Arndt LL; Akins DR; 
         Curetty LL; Levi ME; Shen Y; Davis 
         LS; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Treponema pallidum and Borrelia 
         burgdorferi lipoproteins and 
         synthetic lipopeptides activate 
JOURNAL  J Immunol 154: 2866-77 (1995)

AUTHORS  Rauer S; Kayser M; Neubert U; Rasiah 
         C; Vogt A 
TITLE    Establishment of enzyme-linked 
         immunosorbent assay using purified 
         recombinant 83-kilodalton antigen of 
         Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto 
         and Borrelia afzelii for 
         serodiagnosis of Lyme disease. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 33: 2596-600 (1995)

AUTHORS  Rosen G; Naor R; Rahamim E; Yishai R; 
         Sela MN 
TITLE    Proteases of Treponema denticola 
         outer sheath and extracellular 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 63: 3973-9 (1995)

AUTHORS  Shah HN; Gharbia SE; Scully C; 
         Finegold SM 
TITLE    Oligonucleotide probes to the 16S 
         ribosomal RNA: implications of 
         sequence homology and secondary 
         structure with particular reference 
         to the oral species Prevotella 
         intermedia and Prevotella nigrescens. 
JOURNAL  Oral Dis 1: 32-6 (1995)

AUTHORS  Slots J; Ashimoto A; Flynn MJ; Li G; 
         Chen C 
TITLE    Detection of putative periodontal 
         pathogens in subgingival specimens by 
         16S ribosomal DNA amplification with 
         the polymerase chain reaction. 
JOURNAL  Clin Infect Dis 20 Suppl 2: S304-7 

AUTHORS  Swayne DE; Eaton KA; Stoutenburg J; 
         Trott DJ; Hampson DJ; Jensen NS 
TITLE    Identification of a new intestinal 
         spirochete with pathogenicity for 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 63: 430-6 (1995)

AUTHORS  Walker EM; Howell JK; You Y; 
         Hoffmaster AR; Heath JD; Weinstock 
         GM; Norris SJ 
TITLE    Physical map of the genome of 
         Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 177: 1797-804 (1995)

AUTHORS  Antoni G; dal Maso G; Berti B; 
         Soldatini C; Cocola F 
TITLE    Detection of antigenic determinants 
         in the Treponema pallidum membrane 
         protein TmpA using overlapping 
         synthetic peptides. 
JOURNAL  J Immunol Methods 189: 137-40 (1996)

AUTHORS  Baughn RE; Demecs M; Taber LH; Musher 
TITLE    Epitope mapping of B-cell 
         determinants on the 15-kilodalton 
         lipoproteinof Treponema pallidum 
         (Tpp15) with synthetic peptides. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 64: 2457-66 (1996)

AUTHORS  Baughn RE; Jiang A; Abraham R; 
         Ottmers V; Musher DM 
TITLE    Molecular mimicry between an 
         immunodominant amino acid motif on 
         the 47-kDa lipoprotein of Treponema 
         pallidum (Tpp47) and multiple repeats 
         of analogous sequences in 
JOURNAL  J Immunol 157: 720-31 (1996)

AUTHORS  Brentjens RJ; Ketterer M; Apicella 
         MA; Spinola SM 
TITLE    Fine tangled pili expressed by 
         Haemophilus ducreyi are a novel class 
         of pili. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 178: 808-16 (1996)

AUTHORS  Centurion-Lara A; Castro C; van 
         Voorhis WC; Lukehart SA 
TITLE    Two 16S-23S ribosomal DNA intergenic 
         regions in different Treponema 
         pallidum subspecies contain tRNA 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 143: 235-40 

AUTHORS  Fenno JC; Muller KH; McBride BC 
TITLE    Sequence analysis, expression, and 
         binding activity of recombinant major 
         outer sheath protein (Msp) of 
         Treponema denticola. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 178: 2489-97 (1996)

AUTHORS  Genest DR; Choi-Hong SR; Tate JE; 
         Qureshi F; Jacques SM; Crum C 
TITLE    Diagnosis of congenital syphilis from 
         placental examination: comparison of 
         histopathology, Steiner stain, and 
         polymerase chain reaction for 
         Treponema pallidum DNA. 
JOURNAL  Hum Pathol 27: 366-72 (1996)

AUTHORS  Gerber A; Krell S; Morenz J 
TITLE    Recombinant Treponema pallidum 
         antigens in syphilis serology. 
JOURNAL  Immunobiology 196: 535-49 (1996)

AUTHORS  Haapasalo M; Hannam P; McBride BC; 
         Uitto VJ 
TITLE    Hyaluronan, a possible ligand 
         mediating Treponema denticola binding 
         to periodontal tissue. 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 11: 156-60 

AUTHORS  Inagaki H; Kawai T; Miyata M; Nagaya 
         S; Tateyama H; Eimoto T 
TITLE    Gastric syphilis: polymerase chain 
         reaction detection of treponemal DNA 
         in pseudolymphomatous lesions [see 
JOURNAL  Hum Pathol 27: 761-5 (1996)

AUTHORS  Ishihara K; Miura T; Kuramitsu HK; 
         Okuda K 
TITLE    Characterization of the Treponema 
         denticola prtP gene encoding a 
         protease (dentilisin). 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 64: 5178-86 (1996)

AUTHORS  Jiang N; Dai B; Yan Z; Yang W; Li S; 
         Fang Z; Zhao H; Wu W; Ye D; Yan R; 
         Liu J; Song S; Yang Y; Zhang Y; Liu 
         F; Tu Y; Yang H; Huang Z; Liang L; Hu 
         L; Zhao M 
TITLE    [Research on the recombinant plasmid 
         pDJH2 of L. interrogans serovar lai: 
         sequencing and alignment with other 
         known bacterial Omp sequence] 
JOURNAL  Hua Hsi I Ko Ta Hsueh Hsueh Pao 27: 
         341-7, 353 (1996)

AUTHORS  Koseki T; Ishikawa I; Boutsi E; He T; 
         Benno Y 
TITLE    Nutritional analysis and an enriched 
         medium for fermentative treponemes 
         isolated from subgingival plaque. 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 11: 166-71 

AUTHORS  Li H; Kuramitsu HK 
TITLE    Development of a gene transfer system 
         in Treponema denticola by 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 11: 161-5 

AUTHORS  Li H; Ruby J; Charon N; Kuramitsu H 
TITLE    Gene inactivation in the oral 
         spirochete Treponema denticola: 
         construction of an flgE mutant. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 178: 3664-7 (1996)

AUTHORS  Limberger RJ; Slivienski LL; 
         El-Afandi MC; Dantuono LA 
TITLE    Organization, transcription, and 
         expression of the 5' region of the 
         fla operon of Treponema phagedenis 
         and Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 178: 4628-34 (1996)

AUTHORS  Makinen KK; Chen CY; Makinen PL 
TITLE    Proline iminopeptidase from the outer 
         cell envelope of the human oral 
         spirochete Treponema denticola ATCC 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 64: 702-8 (1996)

AUTHORS  Makinen KK; Makinen PL 
TITLE    The peptidolytic capacity of the 
         spirochete system. 
JOURNAL  Med Microbiol Immunol (Berl) 185: 
         1-10 (1996)

AUTHORS  Mathers DA; Leung WK; Fenno JC; Hong 
         Y; McBride BC 
TITLE    The major surface protein complex of 
         Treponema denticola depolarizes and 
         induces ion channels in HeLa cell 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 64: 2904-10 (1996)

AUTHORS  Norgard MV; Arndt LL; Akins DR; 
         Curetty LL; Harrich DA; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Activation of human monocytic cells 
         by Treponema pallidum and Borrelia 
         burgdorferi lipoproteins and 
         synthetic lipopeptides proceeds via a 
         pathway distinct from that of 
         lipopolysaccharide but involves the 
         transcriptional activator NF-kappa B. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 64: 3845-52 (1996)

AUTHORS  Orle KA; Gates CA; Martin DH; Body 
         BA; Weiss JB 
TITLE    Simultaneous PCR detection of 
         Haemophilus ducreyi, Treponema 
         pallidum, and herpes simplex virus 
         types 1 and 2 from genital ulcers. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 34: 49-54 (1996)

AUTHORS  Ozsvath KJ; Hirose H; Xia S; Tilson 
TITLE    Molecular mimicry in human aortic 
         aneurysmal diseases. 
JOURNAL  Ann N Y Acad Sci 800: 288-93 (1996)

AUTHORS  Paster BJ; Dewhirst FE; Cooke SM; 
         Fussing V; Poulsen LK; Breznak JA 
TITLE    Phylogeny of not-yet-cultured 
         spirochetes from termite guts. 
JOURNAL  Appl Environ Microbiol 62: 347-52 

AUTHORS  Porcella SF; Popova TG; Hagman KE; 
         Penn CW; Radolf JD; Norgard MV 
TITLE    A mgl-like operon in Treponema 
         pallidum, the syphilis spirochete. 
JOURNAL  Gene 177: 115-21 (1996)

AUTHORS  Ramamoorthy R; Povinelli L; Philipp M 
TITLE    Molecular characterization, genomic 
         arrangement, and expression of bmpD, 
         a new member of the bmp class of 
         genes encoding membrane proteins of 
         Borrelia burgdorferi. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 64: 1259-64 (1996)

AUTHORS  Roberts MC; Chung WO; Roe DE 
TITLE    Characterization of tetracycline and 
         erythromycin resistance determinants 
         in Treponema denticola. 
JOURNAL  Antimicrob Agents Chemother 40: 
         1690-4 (1996)

AUTHORS  Stamm LV; Hardham JM; Frye JG 
TITLE    Expression and sequence analysis of a 
         Treponema pallidum gene, tpn38(b), 
         encoding an exported protein with 
         homology to T. pallidum and Borrelia 
         burgdorferi proteins. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 135: 57-63 (1996)

AUTHORS  Stamm LV; Young NR; Frye JG 
TITLE    Sequences of the Salmonella 
         typhimurium mglA and mglC genes. 
JOURNAL  Gene 171: 131-2 (1996)

AUTHORS  Stamm LV; Young NR; Frye JG; Hardham 
TITLE    Identification and sequences of the 
         Treponema pallidum mglA and mglC 
JOURNAL  DNA Seq 6: 293-8 (1996)

TITLE    Aspects of adherence of oral 
JOURNAL  Crit Rev Oral Biol Med 7: 4-11 (1996)

AUTHORS  Van Voorhis WC; Barrett LK; Koelle 
         DM; Nasio JM; Plummer FA; Lukehart SA 
TITLE    Primary and secondary syphilis 
         lesions contain mRNA for Th1 
JOURNAL  J Infect Dis 173: 491-5 (1996)

AUTHORS  Watanabe K; Frommel TO 
TITLE    Porphyromonas gingivalis, 
         Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans 
         and Treponema denticola detection in 
         oral plaque samples using the 
         polymerase chain reaction. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Periodontol 23: 212-9 (1996)

AUTHORS  Wicher K; Abbruscato F; Wicher V; 
         Baughn R; Noordhoek GT 
TITLE    Target organs of infection in guinea 
         pigs with acquired congenital 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 64: 3174-9 (1996)

AUTHORS  Wyss C; Choi BK; Schupbach P; 
         Guggenheim B; Gobel UB 
TITLE    Treponema maltophilum sp. no., a 
         small oral spirochete isolated from 
         human periodontal lesions. 
JOURNAL  Int J Syst Bacteriol 46: 745-52 

AUTHORS  Yao ES; Lamont RJ; Leu SP; Weinberg A 
TITLE    Interbacterial binding among strains 
         of pathogenic and commensal oral 
         bacterial species. 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 11: 35-41 

AUTHORS  You Y; Elmore S; Colton LL; Mackenzie 
         C; Stoops JK; Weinstock GM; Norris SJ 
TITLE    Characterization of the cytoplasmic 
         filament protein gene (cfpA) of 
         Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 178: 3177-87 (1996)

AUTHORS  van Voorhis WC; Barrett LK; Nasio JM; 
         Plummer FA; Lukehart SA 
TITLE    Lesions of primary and secondary 
         syphilis contain activated cytolytic 
         T cells. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 64: 1048-50 (1996)

AUTHORS  Akins DR; Robinson E; Shevchenko D; 
         Elkins C; Cox DL; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Tromp1, a putative rare outer 
         membrane protein, is anchored by an 
         uncleaved signal sequence to the 
         Treponema pallidum cytoplasmic 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 5076-86 (1997)

AUTHORS  Carranza N Jr; Riviere GR; Smith KS; 
         Adams DF; Maier T 
TITLE    Differential attachment of oral 
         treponemes to monolayers of 
         epithelial cells. 
JOURNAL  J Periodontol 68: 1010-8 (1997)

AUTHORS  Centurion-Lara A; Castro C; Shaffer 
         JM; Van Voorhis WC; Marra CM; 
         Lukehart SA 
TITLE    Detection of Treponema pallidum by a 
         sensitive reverse transcriptase PCR. 
JOURNAL  J Clin Microbiol 35: 1348-52 (1997)

AUTHORS  Champion CI; Blanco DR; Exner MM; 
         Erdjument-Bromage H; Hancock RE; 
         Tempst P; Miller JN; Lovett MA 
TITLE    Sequence analysis and recombinant 
         expression of a 28-kilodalton 
         Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum 
         rare outer membrane protein (Tromp2). 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 1230-8 (1997)

AUTHORS  Champion CI; Blanco DR; Exner MM; 
         Erdjument-Bromage H; Hancock RE; 
         Tempst P; Miller JN; Lovett MA 
TITLE    Sequence analysis and recombinant 
         expression of a 28-kilodalton 
         Treponema pallidum subsp. pallidum 
         rare outer membrane protein (Tromp2). 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 1230-8 (1997)

AUTHORS  Choi BK; Nattermann H; Grund S; 
         Haider W; Gobel UB 
TITLE    Spirochetes from digital dermatitis 
         lesions in cattle are closely related 
         to treponemes associated with human 
JOURNAL  Int J Syst Bacteriol 47: 175-81 

AUTHORS  Collighan RJ; Woodward MJ 
TITLE    Spirochaetes and other bacterial 
         species associated with bovine 
         digital dermatitis. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 156: 37-41 (1997)

AUTHORS  Fenno JC; Wong GW; Hannam PM; Muller 
         KH; Leung WK; McBride BC 
TITLE    Conservation of msp, the gene 
         encoding the major outer membrane 
         protein of oral Treponema spp. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 1082-9 (1997)

AUTHORS  Fenno JC; Wong GW; Hannam PM; Muller 
         KH; Leung WK; McBride BC 
TITLE    Conservation of msp, the gene 
         encoding the major outer membrane 
         protein of oral Treponema spp. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 1082-9 (1997)

AUTHORS  Ge Y; Charon NW 
TITLE    Molecular characterization of a 
         flagellar/chemotaxis operon in the 
         spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 153: 425-31 

AUTHORS  Ge Y; Charon NW 
TITLE    Identification of a large motility 
         operon in Borrelia burgdorferi by 
         semi-random PCR chromosome walking. 
JOURNAL  Gene 189: 195-201 (1997)

AUTHORS  Ge Y; Charon NW 
TITLE    An unexpected flaA homolog is present 
         and expressed in Borrelia 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 552-6 (1997)

AUTHORS  Greene SR; Stamm LV 
TITLE    Identification, sequence, and 
         expression of Treponema denticola 
         mcpA, a putative chemoreceptor gene. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 157: 245-9 (1997)

AUTHORS  Greene SR; Stamm LV; Hardham JM; 
         Young NR; Frye JG 
TITLE    Identification, sequences, and 
         expression of Treponema pallidum 
         chemotaxis genes. 
JOURNAL  DNA Seq 7: 267-84 (1997)

AUTHORS  Hagman KE; Porcella SF; Popova TG; 
         Norgard MV 
TITLE    Evidence for a methyl-accepting 
         chemotaxis protein gene (mcp1) that 
         encodes a putative sensory transducer 
         in virulent Treponema pallidum. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 65: 1701-9 (1997)

AUTHORS  Hardham JM; Frye JG; Young NR; Stamm 
TITLE    Identification and sequences of the 
         Treponema pallidum flhA, flhF, and 
         orf304 genes. 
JOURNAL  DNA Seq 7: 107-16 (1997)

AUTHORS  Hardham JM; Stamm LV; Porcella SF; 
         Frye JG; Barnes NY; Howell JK; 
         Mueller SL; Radolf JD; Weinstock GM; 
         Norris SJ 
TITLE    Identification and transcriptional 
         analysis of a Treponema pallidum 
         operon encoding a putative ABC 
         transport system, an iron-activated 
         repressor protein homolog, and a 
         glycolytic pathway enzyme homolog. 
JOURNAL  Gene 197: 47-64 (1997)

AUTHORS  Heinzerling HF; Olivares M; Burne RA 
TITLE    Genetic and transcriptional analysis 
         of flgB flagellar operon constituents 
         in the oral spirochete Treponema 
         denticola and their heterologous 
         expression in enteric bacteria. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 65: 2041-51 (1997)

AUTHORS  Kataoka M; Li H; Arakawa S; Kuramitsu 
TITLE    Characterization of a 
         methyl-accepting chemotaxis protein 
         gene, dmcA, from the oral spirochete 
         Treponema denticola. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 65: 4011-6 (1997)

AUTHORS  Kinsella N; Guerry P; Cooney J; Trust 
TITLE    The flgE gene of Campylobacter coli 
         is under the control of the 
         alternative sigma factor sigma54. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 4647-53 (1997)

AUTHORS  Larsen T; Fiehn NE 
TITLE    Development of resistance to 
         metronidazole and minocycline in 
JOURNAL  J Clin Periodontol 24: 254-9 (1997)

AUTHORS  Makinen PL; Makinen KK 
TITLE    gamma-Glutamyltransferase from the 
         outer cell envelope of Treponema 
         denticola ATCC 35405. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 65: 685-91 (1997)

AUTHORS  Makinen PL; Makinen KK 
TITLE    gamma-Glutamyltransferase from the 
         outer cell envelope of Treponema 
         denticola ATCC 35405. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 65: 685-91 (1997)

AUTHORS  Muniappa N; Duhamel GE 
TITLE    Outer membrane-associated serine 
         protease of intestinal spirochetes. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 154: 159-64 

AUTHORS  Nakazawa F; Umemoto T; Namikawa I; 
         Hoshino E 
TITLE    Genetic characterization of an oral 
         treponeme isolated from human 
         subgingival plaque. 
JOURNAL  Oral Microbiol Immunol 12: 189-92 

AUTHORS  Rijpkema SG; David GP; Hughes SL; 
         Woodward MJ 
TITLE    Partial identification of 
         spirochaetes from two dairy cows with 
         digital dermatitis by polymerase 
         chain reaction analysis of the 16S 
         ribosomal RNA gene. 
JOURNAL  Vet Rec 140: 257-9 (1997)

AUTHORS  Ruby JD; Li H; Kuramitsu H; Norris 
         SJ; Goldstein SF; Buttle KF; Charon 
TITLE    Relationship of Treponema denticola 
         periplasmic flagella to irregular 
         cell morphology. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 1628-35 (1997)

AUTHORS  Ruby JD; Li H; Kuramitsu H; Norris 
         SJ; Goldstein SF; Buttle KF; Charon 
TITLE    Relationship of Treponema denticola 
         periplasmic flagella to irregular 
         cell morphology. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 1628-35 (1997)

AUTHORS  Shang ES; Skare JT; Erdjument-Bromage 
         H; Blanco DR; Tempst P; Miller JN; 
         Lovett MA 
TITLE    Sequence analysis and 
         characterization of a 40-kilodalton 
         Borrelia hermsii 
         phosphodiesterase homolog. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 2238-46 (1997)

AUTHORS  Shevchenko DV; Akins DR; Robinson E; 
         Li M; Popova TG; Cox DL; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Molecular characterization and 
         cellular localization of TpLRR, a 
         processed leucine-rich repeat protein 
         of Treponema pallidum, the syphilis 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 3188-95 (1997)

AUTHORS  Shevchenko DV; Akins DR; Robinson EJ; 
         Li M; Shevchenko OV; Radolf JD 
TITLE    Identification of homologs for 
         thioredoxin, peptidyl prolyl 
         cis-trans isomerase, and 
         phosphodiesterase in outer membrane 
         fractions from Treponema pallidum, 
         the syphilis spirochete. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 65: 4179-89 (1997)

AUTHORS  Stamm LV; Barnes NY 
TITLE    Nucleotide sequences of the proA and 
         proB genes of Treponema pallidum, the 
         syphilis agent. 
JOURNAL  DNA Seq 8: 63-70 (1997)

AUTHORS  Stamm LV; Greene SR; Barnes NY 
TITLE    Identification and characterization 
         of the gyrB gene from Treponema 
         pallidum subsp. pallidum. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 153: 129-34 

AUTHORS  Stamm LV; Greene SR; Barnes NY; 
         Bergen HL; Hardham JM 
TITLE    Identification and characterization 
         of a Treponema pallidum subsp. 
         pallidum gene encoding a DNA adenine 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 155: 115-9 (1997)

AUTHORS  Stamm LV; Young NR 
TITLE    Nucleotide sequence of the Treponema 
         pallidum eno gene. 
JOURNAL  DNA Seq 7: 261-5 (1997)

AUTHORS  Stebeck CE; Shaffer JM; Arroll TW; 
         Lukehart SA; Van Voorhis WC 
TITLE    Identification of the Treponema 
         pallidum subsp. pallidum 
         phosphodiesterase homologue. 
JOURNAL  FEMS Microbiol Lett 154: 303-10 

AUTHORS  Umemoto T; Li M; Namikawa I 
TITLE    Adherence of human oral spirochetes 
         by collagen-binding proteins. 
JOURNAL  Microbiol Immunol 41: 917-23 (1997)

AUTHORS  Umemoto T; Nakazawa F; Hoshino E; 
         Okada K; Fukunaga M; Namikawa I 
TITLE    Treponema medium sp. nov., isolated 
         from human subgingival dental plaque. 
JOURNAL  Int J Syst Bacteriol 47: 67-72 (1997)

AUTHORS  Walker SG; Ebersole JL; Holt SC 
TITLE    Identification, isolation, and 
         characterization of the 42-kilodalton 
         major outer membrane protein (MompA) 
         from Treponema pectinovorum ATCC 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 179: 6441-7 (1997)

AUTHORS  Centurion-Lara A; Castro C; Castillo 
         R; Shaffer JM; Van Voorhis WC; 
         Lukehart SA 
TITLE    The flanking region sequences of the 
         15-kDa lipoprotein gene differentiate 
         pathogenic treponemes. 
JOURNAL  J Infect Dis 177: 1036-40 (1998)

AUTHORS  Ge Y; Li C; Corum L; Slaughter CA; 
         Charon NW 
TITLE    Structure and expression of the FlaA 
         periplasmic flagellar protein of 
         Borrelia burgdorferi. 
JOURNAL  J Bacteriol 180: 2418-25 (1998)

AUTHORS  Greene SR; Stamm LV 
TITLE    Molecular characterization of 
         Treponema pallidum mcp2, a putative 
         chemotaxis protein gene. 
JOURNAL  Infect Immun 66: 2999-3002 (1998)

AUTHORS  Norris SJ; Fraser CM; Weinstock GM 
TITLE    Illuminating the agent of syphilis: 
         the Treponema pallidum genome 
JOURNAL  Electrophoresis 19: 551-3 (1998)

AUTHORS  Theus SA; Harrich DA; Gaynor R; 
         Radolf JD; Norgard MV 
TITLE    Treponema pallidum, lipoproteins, and 
         synthetic lipoprotein analogues 
         induce human immunodeficiency virus 
         type 1 gene expression in monocytes 
         via NF-kappaB activation. 
JOURNAL  J Infect Dis 177: 941-50 (1998)